Friday, December 17, 2010

over the river and through the woods...

Hipstamatic edition.

Last weekend, the husbo and I drove up to Kansas to visit my mom, sister, uncle and grandparents and split the difference between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I've always loved my grandparents' house - from the decor to the layout to the exterior - just about everything. But I think as I've gotten older and now have a house of my own to decorate, I've come to appreciate it way more...and to see how, though our style definitely incorporates more modern elements, there are definite similarities in aesthetic.

Here are some of my favorites:

My mom cross-stitched the piece hanging on the wall behind the old fire extinguisher turned lamp...

Favorite place to hang out as a kid. So many moving pieces...

Canes galore...

Get your education on!


She sits, therefore she is...

In the key of C minor...

To catalog or not to catalog...

All year round, folks...

And non-hipstamatically...



Eric said...

There are few things I like more than a grandparents house. And who doesn't like a can of rascal beaters next to the front door. That's right, I said rascal beater.

ejakovljevic said...

i love this house - memories !