Saturday, January 06, 2007


My old high school friend - and, incidentally one of the funnies ladies whose acquaintance I have had the pleasure of making - Jennifer Galek, (on the streets she's known elusively as "Jeni") made it into a prestigious business school where she will study international business and obtain her master's degree! Woop woop!

Here are a couple of pics from her goign away partay:

Oh, the handsomeness:

Jeni, drill team days meets today...days (Go High Steppers!...*eyes darting nervously around blog message box*):

Good days ahead for you, Miss Jeni!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Years later, I comment... And I'm going to admit that it took me googling myself to find it.

The googling of oneself is often inspired by finding out that there is something out there about you available to the public, which then makes you wonder what the heck ELSE is out there regarding yourself!

My point: This was a very nice something about myself to find on the ole world wide! I miss you dearly, Becki! Can we PLEASE make each other laugh again soon? PLEASE!
-The Jeni