Thursday, December 01, 2005

High collar and baggy pants say "I'm a pro!"

So it's finally December. And it most certainly doesn't look like this picture of 'December' I found on ye olde internet. The temperature here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area has been remarkably inconsistent, and I can go from wearing my down, fur-rimmed coat to a t-shirt in the span of a day. I guess I can't really complain about it, because if I truly cared enough about experiencing actual "seasons" I know I'd have to move out of this red red hot hot state. We've still got the rest of this month, January and February to see if Texas is going to realize that it's winter and we shouldn't still have to use the air conditioner. Sheesh, Texas. Come on!

Now that it's December, I have precisely 30 and 1/2 days to decide what to resolve to do with my life next year. Last year I resolved to further embrace my femininity, and I must say I'm on my way. No more are the days of going to thrift stores with this thought in mind:

"I don't care what size it is...if it's funny, I'm buying it!"

My friends helped me out last birthday by getting me "girly" things.....things that sparkle, things that are shiny, and things that make me 2-3 inches taller than I am. Through all this I was able to find a balance between sequin girl in stilettos and Becki feeling comfortable whilst also passing off as a "Daughter of Eve." *reading Chronicles of Narnia to refresh me memory ere the movie comes out!* I think I've done okay.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Welcome to the world of girly! Wee! Going to be in town this weekend, we should go shopping... haha :)

I'm serious.